Black Panther Review

Everyone at the theater was having a blast, but none more than this guy. I ... I can't even. Going in, Tony and I discussed the hype. I said that although I loved Thor: Ragnorak, I still felt its hype was overblown. I told him that although I expected Black Panther to be great, I didn't think it could live up to its hype unless it matched Captain America: Winter Soldier, which I contend is the high watermark for standalone superhero adventures (The first Iron Man is comparable, although I think it's an apples-and-oranges comparison). Well... it did it. Superlatives like "best" are subjective, and I'd still give give Captain America: Winter Soldier the edge in hand-to-hand combat choreography, but there's no denying that this movie is the first and only film I can think of that matches Winter Soldier, and surpasses it boldly in world building. That world building, man... shit. Wakanda Forever . One reason I've always revered Winter Sold...