Some updates

It has been a busy month, for good and bad. Here are some updates. My friend Marge visited. It was bittersweet. It was great getting to see a dear friend, although I didn't get to see as much of her as I would've liked. I had a two-day mandatory work retreat, then she had to spend the better part of a week in Santa Barbara for matters relating to her work. When she got back, Julie's tooth manifested a massive infection. Julie's had a wisdom tooth in need of removal for years that went untreated because a surgeon accidentally broke her jaw when she originally went to have her wisdom teeth removed 8 years ago. I think that the infection might've been exacerbated by stress. Julie has been depressed for a large part of 2015, and she gets pretty anxious about trying to make a good impression on people I like. This can be pretty self defeating, which further contributed to an awkward visit. I still had fun, though. The s...