I'm reposting an answer I wrote in reply to the following question posted on Reddit: "What's the biggest scare you've ever gotten?" I was surprised by how proud I was of my response, so I decided to share it here. Broomball. Broomball is a made up alternative to hockey where you replace the puck with a ball, the sticks with brooms, and the skates with shoes . I have no idea who came up with this, but I was invited as part of a youth group event in high school. It was actually an inter-youth-group event: my BBYO chapter was invited to play against our local USY chapter. Of course it was their idea. We tended to think of ourselves as a lot cooler than the USY kids (which is funny if you have any idea what these acronyms stand for). We would've suggested paintball or something. Mind you, I sucked at paintball and I certainly had no idea how to play hockey, but the idea of broomball seemed literally insane. Disregarding that pee-wee bastardizations o