A Response to A Weak Article on Futurism
My mom shared an article on Medium on which I had thoughts. I attempted to post it, but since Medium restricts new accounts from commenting I decided to post it here so I could at least share it with my mom. The article was "How Tech Will Transform The World in 10 Years" , and in it Katie Couric interviewed two futurists whose predictions I found lacking. "Diamandis’ and Kotler’s answers are using generalities to mask what is legitimately a worryingly dark reality. A fear of the future is not limited to the people who don’t understand it. Firstly, the current, accelerating climate crisis is going to loom over the 21st century with the same footprint that WWII cast over the 20th. So any speculation on how we’ll live in the future that isn’t built around the centrality of climate change seems suspect. Secondly, the authors appear oblivious to either the existence or the consequence of the gap between our technological and social development. A healthy society...