D&D Update: The Hunt for Beyrin Teth and Carmella of Dreadwood - Plus new Players
EDIT: I wrote this a few weeks ago and didn't notice that I never published it. I'm publishing it now because I intend to give more DnD updates and need to provide context. The last I mentioned of our heroes, they'd sailed off after stealing a cache of weapons from some bad guys to sell to other bad guys in order to advance in the criminal underworld. They stopped over on Dreadwood Isle along the way, since everyone had something they needed to do there. Honton, the captain, needed to hire additional hands. Sincey, the monk, had agreed to capture a wanted outlaw of the empire named Beyrin Teth in exchange for a relic of his order. Lucious, the muscle, was set on finding the infamous warlord who'd maligned his reputation. He'd heard that Dreadwood was ruled by a despot that paid tribute to his quarry. We met Lady Yin and Jim Lee, our two new players. We've actually been playing with them for a few months now, but this campaign was established...