Quarantine Projects: Figurines, a Mobile, and a Novel

During the last ... three months? Four? Tony and I have produced a few things I want to highlight here (mostly to make them easier to share online).

First, I made a baby mobile and published the design process and full build plans online:

Arduino Baby Mobile (Marvel Inspired) [Hackster.io]

Second, I made figurines of two characters from The Umbrella Academy, a comic book and TV show that returns to Netflix on July 31, and I wrote up a guide on how to make your own:

I've entered it in a contest on Instructables and I'm excited to see how it does.

Finally -- and best of all -- Tony has written an unlicensed prequel novel to The Umbrella Academy comic book and Netflix series:

The Ties That Bind, by A.E. McGinn

You can also read it on Wattpad if you prefer, or download it as an e-book:

I made the cover:
